Machine Learning & BlockChains: A Cutting Edge Innovation to Digital Advertising

Post contributed by: Product Management Team – Emerging Technologies Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as intelligence that is portrayed by machines. AI enables machines to perform cognitive tasks that are typically done by humans. However, much of what we see in the sci-fi movies is what scientist have been exploring since the 1950s. No doubt, much innovation has happened wit

Mobile and Machine Learning

  In 2017, over 300 million smartphones will have on-board neural network machine-learning capability, according to a study by Deloitte. Machine Learning will power applications for “indoor navigation, image classification, augmented reality, speech recognition and language translation even where there is little or no cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity, such as in remote areas, undergrou

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning

  Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, big data are the buzz words and often are used interchangeably or incorrectly in the advertising ecosystem. Artificial intelligence is used where machine learning should be and machine learning is often confused with data mining. Machine learning is a method of developing algorithms for recognizing patterns within data. Da

Gearing up for the next Quantum Leap – The Artificial Intelligence

The Next Quantum Leap: We, at research & development lab, have been pushing forward the programmatic digital advertising and overlaying Machine Learning for predictive models. Machine Learning has been playing a critical role to help build accurate correlation models. It is being applied to various components of advertising platform for application for Artificial Intelligence. We look f