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May 27, 2015

How to Incorporate Your Podcast Into Other Marketing Channels


If you pay attention to the marketing industry, you’ve undoubtedly noticed how much podcasting has taken off in the past few years. Marketers everywhere are flocking to this channel to generate brand awareness and increase customer engagement.

One reason for the skyrocketing popularity is the behavior of podcast listeners. People who tune into podcasts consume an average of 5 hours and 50 minutes of audio each day. 25.9% of that is spent listening to podcasts, according to Edison Research. Over 1 billion people have subscribed to podcasts via iTunes, according to Apple.

Yet, as popular as it is, tapping into the world of podcasting isn’t as easy as it might seem. For most marketers, using other channels is essential for driving more listeners to the podcast.

Here’s how you can incorporate your podcast into other popular marketing channels for bigger success.

Email Marketing

Your email subscribers are already tuned in to what you have to say. They’re interested in hearing your ideas, thoughts, and insights, so it stands to reason that they’ll want to know about your podcast too.

In each email newsletter you send, include a promotion about your latest podcast. This promotion doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) intrusive. Embed it into your design somewhere to serve as a friendly reminder that the podcast is available. The more your reader sees it, the more inclined she is to tune in next time she’s looking for a podcast.

Social Media Marketing

Your social media followers want new information, new content, and new updates from your brand. Give these people a reason to come back and engage with you.

Promote each new podcast episode on social media. Offer a reason for people to tune in. What will your listener learn? What will she walk away with after spending time with your podcast? What can she expect when she downloads it?

The more you entice your social media followers to steer away from the platform they’re so comfortable with and onto a new one, the more likely they are to follow.

Mobile Marketing

Edison Research found that one out of four podcast listeners plug their smartphones into their car audio system almost every day. Give your audience something interesting to listen to while driving by promoting your podcast with mobile marketing.

Set up your mobile marketing to remind your consumers about new episodes. When they’re walking the dog, driving to the store, or working out at the gym, your friendly reminder will trigger them to tune in to your podcast. This on-the-go notification keeps your business relevant and gives your consumer something valuable.

How do you do it?

How do you promote your podcast? Which channels have you found to be the most effective for spreading the word about your episodes?