Reach audiences . Inspire action . Grow your business.

Reach Audiences . Inspire Action Grow Your Business.


Get more out of your Ad
spend with
programmatic advertising

Get scale, efficiency and transparency on your side with programmatic buying through RedLotus. Know exactly where your ads are running, who is seeing your ads and what return you are getting on your ad spend.

Explore RedLotus Programmatic

Tap into the World’s
Leading Mobile Video
Advertising Platform

Tell your brand story with buffer-free, high quality mobile video ads. With one of the world’s largest in-app video inventory and innovative, mobile-first ad formats, RedLotus’s video solutions provide scale and performance for your campaigns.

Experience The Magic

The Future of Television is Now

As Connected TV continues its evolution to Advanced TV, It provides scale, precision targeting, custom creative, and unique measurement solutions that let brands extend their linear TV and multiscreen digital video campaigns to connected audiences.

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Connects marketers with passionate influencers that authentically weave branded stories into content and social platforms that consumers trust — helping to deliver powerful results

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Drive Business Goals that Matter

Drive your business objectives across the entire marketing funnel. Whether you are focussed on driving brand experience, prospecting, user acquisition or retention, RedLotus Advertising Cloud helps you come out on top.

  • Brand Awareness
  • User Aquisition
  • Remarketing

Deliver Brand Experiences that Inspire Action

Convert mobile moments into opportunities with one of the world’s largest in-app video inventories. Drive consideration and conversion by reaching the exact audience you want at the precise moment that matters.

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Reach the
People You Care

Reach more than 1.6 billion mobile users across more than 22,000 mobile apps. With 75+ data points on each user, RedLotus’s differentiated audience gives you the confidence that you can target precisely the people you need.


Get Peace of Mind with a Trusted Advertising Partner

With industry leading metrics for viewability and brand safety, predictive fraud detection and ad placement, RedLotus ensures complete peace of mind for advertisers.


Are you a Publisher?

Strike the perfect balance between monetization and user experience with RedLotus’s comprehensive programmatic platform. Maximize yield for each impression with unified auctions on RedLotus Mediation Platform. Tap into premium advertisers globally for superior monetization.

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